The Chocolate Chamber
    Is a pandemic the right time to open another business outlet? This question remains to be one of the crucial points entrepreneurs have considered all over the globe, but Cebu's foremost chocolate brand 'The Chocolate Chamber' navigates itself against challenges and continues to go one step beyond its chocolate journey. 

     On March 19 to 20, Chocolate Princess Hannah Mae T. Choa visited the island of Bohol. This time, she took the role of being the “Founder’s Representative.” HTMC's visit to Bohol is relative to the opening of The Chocolate Chamber boutique cafe at Moadto Strip Mall. TCC's expansion in Bohol marks a new and important step for the brand to share the Filipino chocolate drinking tradition.

        For Hannah, taking a new role and delivering it excellently is nothing new as she has been actively working for the growth of their business even as a child. However, taking charge of their business as its leading representative sans the chocolate queen, her mother, is a new ground that she has taken and accomplished. 

        In Bohol, Hannah gave an overview of the products and services one can expect at 'The Chocolate Chamber' at Moadto Strip Mall. For her, the visit was a kaleidoscope of new experiences. Among her key audience are the mall's general manager, staff, and marketing team. 

        The outcome of her presentation was impressive and the young chocolate princess gathered praises for her performance. "It was overwhelming in a positive way," Hannah shared when asked how she felt about her experience. It was also an experience with surprises. "I've only found out the day before the visit that I was going to Bohol. Initially, the plan is that it would be my brother Jonathan along with the members of the Batidores Cherelles Program," she shared.

    Challenges also accompanied her journey. The Chocolate Queen disclosed that Hannah wasn't exactly as fit as a fiddle days before the visit took place. "She had a cough, fever, and cold for three days prior to their visit, thankfully she quickly recovered," said Maám Raquel. Juggling with her responsibilities as a student, Hannah also had to study for her major examinations. 

        "I've never done a presentation alone before we visited Bohol. It was always a tandem with me and my mom or Tito Edu. Doing it, I was anxious, but at the same time, I was also excited. Before the presentation, we encountered technical difficulties. We found out that my HDMI wouldn't connect," Hannah shared. She was able to get through such challenges by preparing a detailed layout for her presentation and taking an executive decision to modify her plan. "I presented what was supposed to be the last part of my presentation first," said Hannah. 
The Chocolate Chamber
What's in TCC Bohol?
     Apart from building deeper connections with Bohol's culture and people, TCC seeks not to only bring the brand to the island but to celebrate what Bohol has to offer. "Instead of going there and assert what we have, what we're going to do is to create a collaboration between Cebu and Bohol," Hannah said. This is evident in the soon-to-be offered Calamay Ensaimada of The Chocolate Chamber which is arguably the first in the country. 

     Locals and tourists alike can expect cacao-infused products married with native Boholanon raw products at TCC Moadto Strip Mall. As TCC lives by its vision which is to go beyond chocolates, the brand will offer a Chocolate Tour, Raising the Tsokolate Bar: A Chocolate Molding Demonstration by Jonathan T. Choa, and a Sikwate Ceremony meticulously-curated by the Chocolate Queen herself. 

      Those aforementioned cacao activities are in the pipeline as part of the collaboration of TCC, Moadto Strip Mall, and Modala Beach Club as TCC shares its rich chocolate experience with the community and spurs local tourism. Furthermore, the experiential offerings are all aligned with the 'Triple P’ principle of The Chocolate Queen during the pandemic: (1)presence - remaining present and finding meaning in spite of the situation (2) positioning - reviewing the status of the brand during this difficult time, pivot when needed to achieve corporate mission-vision, and (3) participation - putting resources together to work for a common goal in the new norm.
The Chocolate Chamber
The Chocolate Chamber
The Chocolate Princess upon her arrival in Bohol and day visit at TCC Moadto Strip Mall
The Chocolate Chamber
Hannah Mae T. Choa and Jonathan T. Choa waving hello as they arrived in the beautiful island of Bohol
The Chocolate Chamber
TCC Corporate Liaison, Jonathan T. Choa and Hannah Mae T. Choa prepping for their presentation
The Chocolate Chamber
Jonathan T. Choa (on the right) posed for a quick photo op
The Chocolate ChamberTrainees of The Chocolate Chamber Academy Patrizia Garcia and Margarette Tanael (on the far right) also visited TCC Moadto as part of their enrolment in the Batidores Cherelles Program and to have exposure to TCC culture
The Chocolate Chamber
Moadto Strip Mall, Bohol Philippines
The Chocolate Chamber
The Chocolate Chamber in Bohol
As TCC in Cebu is known for its quaint and delicate interiors - almost reflecting that of any royalty's abode, one couldn't help but wonder if TCC Bohol will capture the same ambiance as its counterpart in Cebu. 

Hannah shared that TCC's new doors will have a similar touch. "TCC Bohol has a nipa hut vibe but we are also going to incorporate the signature interior and feel of TCC as it is known and loved in Cebu. It will definitely have our signature cacao paintings, the chandelier, the teacups, and even the fresh flowers," she elaborated. 

The Chocolate Chamber in Bohol is well-positioned as adjacent to Moadto Strip Mall is the Modala Beach Resort. The resort is managed by General Manager-Consultant Rommel Gonzales. This will give soon-to-be patrons of the brand a chance to revel with the picturesque view of nature all while savoring their cup of warm sikwate.

TCC Bohol is set to open its doors some time this summer. The brand is now on its polishing stage and is finalizing the logistics of furniture to the island.
The Chocolate Chamber
         The overall experience of Hannah as the Founder's Representative is not only a test of her skills and expertise in all things cacao. It was also her golden moment to affirm what her mother - the Chocolate Queen - has always taught her and that is to say yes and God will do the rest. Hannah's latest accomplishment is yet another evidence that when the chocolate princess leads, success surely follows. 

Visit The Chocolate Chamber's official Facebook page to book your own chocolatey moment and for its important updates.