Philippine Chocolate Queen Raquel T. Choa
    Inspiration and empowerment sprout everywhere and while we can almost grasp both within ourselves, sometimes, they are brought to us by the people we meet. I have felt both from the Philippine Chocolate Queen - Raquel T. Choa and I am certain that I am not the only one who has felt the same. 

       It’s precisely her vision and efforts in elevating the value of cacao that is generating transformative changes in the way in which various stakeholders, particularly local farmers and institutions, develop their strengths. The opportunity to connect with her is a blessing to the many lives she has inspired, and the chocolate queen is nowhere from stopping as she is set to influence more women through WomEnPower this afternoon. 

     WomEnPower is a panel discussion that aims to bring together and connect outstanding Cebuanas from various fields. The event is made possible by the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. and the Embassy of Canada.

      Raquel T. Choa is one of the panel speakers for the Business and Entrepreneurship panel. In her talk, she will focus on her experience with working with the stakeholders in the cacao industry especially the farmers as she weaves business and advocacy.

       Guided by her brand's philosophy which goes, "from the land to the brand,"  Choa has been an advocate of farming and introduce integrated farming to maximize agricultural land. She envisions long-term connection through her daughter, Hannah Mae T. Choa. Hannah serves as Youth Ambassador of FCCT Coop and performs collaborative activities with it. She is an embodiment of RTC’s principle of ‘carbon-copy’ yourself. 

The business of Raquel T. Choa as a brand is a life-long study in earned wisdom and vision which she hopes to share with others apart from those around her. She hopes to inspire young women to take a different look at agriculture and find their role in the cacao value chain - those young women who are about to join the workforce or are fresh entrants in the workforce

If empowerment is a living endeavor, Raquel T. Choa, an individual, a mother, and a woman coalesced is set to have an undeniable impact. 

Join WomEnPower today March 24 at 4:00 PM to be inspired.

The Philippine Chocolate Queen is known to be a good speaker and a source of inspiration to other women
Raquel T. Choa among the members of FCCT Cooperative
Hannah Mae T. Choa, RTC's daughter, who has earned the title of 'Chocolate Princess'