Our country, the Philippines, is renowned for its stunning beaches. Living on an island brimming with natural wonders that draw tourists from across the globe fills me with pride. If I had the luxury of unlimited resources and no work commitments, I would be exploring the world's most majestic corners. However, I do manage to embark on thrilling adventures within Cebu, my birthplace, from time to time. 

Earlier this month, we celebrated Labor Day in one of the best places to relax in the northern part of Cebu – the Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon. Tabogon is a coastal town known for its agricultural products. It's often described as a quiet, sleepy town, which is where its charm lies. The calmness that its silence brings is ideal for those who need to reset from the busy hurdles of city life. It was also my first time visiting a springs resort, and that's exactly what I needed lately, so I was super stoked to see the place again as I've been in the town since I was fresh out of high school. The reason was rather grim, and I didn't go there to explore the place, so the latest holiday was a great chance to look at the place from a brighter perspective. 

Tabogon is three to four hours away from the city where I reside. Hence, we got to set forth early, even before the dawn breaks. I went out with my older sister, younger brother, and nephew. My mom has to go for an errand for my dad's small business, so she can't be with us. Some of my sister's coworkers were with us, adding more fun and food to our northern adventure. Lol

Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon
Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon
Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon

From what I have read and heard, the Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon was formerly called Guiwanon Cold Spring in Tabogon. Its current name came from the giant Banyan tree that serves as a natural canopy for those who wish to wallow in the spring's icy cold water. Yep, you heard that right. The spring produces freezing fresh water flowing directly to a nearby beach. The resort used to have a smaller pool area. It closed for a year for renovation, and now, it has a bigger pool constructed into three portions, with the smallest part that melds together with seawater.

The Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon is designed to accommodate a large number of guests. While it has a limited number of cottages, it boasts several tables with matching canopies, providing a communal dining experience. It also features a dedicated area for preparing and grilling various meats. For the convenience of its guests, the resort provides separate bathroom and shower facilities for men and women. 

Since its opening, the Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon has been a favorite local favorite among people from nearby towns. Today, it's already becoming a favorite holiday destination for Cebuanos all over the island. The place does not define luxury but offers visitors an undeniable, enchanting, and unique experience. If you visit the northern part of Cebu, visit The Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon for a refreshing time with nature.

Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon

Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon 2024
Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon 2024
Banyan Springs Resort in Tabogon 2024